Propane gas or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is a compressed gas that is stored in a liquid form. It is virtually odorless, colorless, and non-toxic gas. (1)


Propane gas is stored as a liquid. It is naturally an odorless gas but an artificial odor is added to identify it. It is normally used for water and space heating and cooking. In engine applications like fleet vehicles, farm irrigation engines, forklifts, and buses, it is used as fuel. It is called Fuel autogas when it is utilized as vehicle fuel.

From where to get propane gas?

In the processing of domestic natural gas, propane is produced as a byproduct. It is taken from the liquid components during the process. These components are ethane, butane, propane, methane, and hydrocarbons. It is also produced from the refinement of crude oil. The chemical formation of renewable propane and conventional propane is identical. Renewable propane gas is taken from feedstock based on biomass, such as 20% dimethyl ether, animal fats, or cooking oil. Currently, it is produced in biodiesel refineries.

Why do people select propane?

  • Clean

Propane is listed as a clean fuel in the 1990 clean Air Act. Propane substitution with some other fuels like fuel oil and gasoline is a viable and economical effort toward cleaner air. The use of propane gas lessens carbon dioxide and other air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide.

  • Reliable

Propane gas gives reliability to millions of Americans every day. Even during natural disasters and extreme weather, propane reliably powers and heats up homes, farms, and businesses.

  • Abundant

America is producing abundant propane to meet requirements. In reality, America is a leading producer of propane. This abundant gas is used as an alternative to diesel and gasoline.

  • Affordable

Oil prices are getting sharp day by day. In comparison to this, propane gas has lower prices. One can easily afford it for domestic as well as business purposes.

Steps of propane distribution

  1. Processing plant

As we know propane gas is a by-product, its voyage starts at the processing plant. The processing plant takes out the propane gas from fuel ingredients. After that, an unpleasant odor is added to detect the propane gas in case it leaks. For easy transportation of propane, it is condensed into a liquid form.

  1. Underground storage

After leaving the processing plant, the liquefied propane is stored underground and is taken out when needed.

  1. Transportation

The propane industry is responsible to deliver liquefied propane across the country. For the supply, it utilizes barges, tractor-trailers, railroad tank cars, and a pipelines network. In this complete process, about 80,000 Americans perform their related duties.

  1. Retail plant

In this step, the fuel arrives at the retail plant. From this plant, local supplier draws propane to provide it to others.

  1. Delivery

Local retailers take out propane from the plant and fill it into the delivery bobtail trucks. These trucks deliver the fuel to millions of American businesses and homes.

Ways to store and transport propane safely (2)

Consumers ask for suggestions on the best methods to store propane tanks safely. It is risky to keep flammable things at home. But with few safety guidelines, it is easy to use a propane tank at home throughout the year. It is crucial to ensure the exceptional safe nature of propane cylinders. It is important to know that propane cylinders are constructed with high-quality standards and do contain extra safety features like pressure relief valves. Such safety features make them easy and safe to use. Reports of accidents are rare. The most common reason behind these rare cases is that people left the valve open, which causes gas to leak out and collect near the ignition area.

Propane cylinders should be kept in well-ventilated outdoor areas. Keeping them in sheds or garages is discouraged. Because in some cases the valve is left open and gas gets concentrated indoors. A flat area that is less exposed to sunlight is appropriate to keep tanks. Propane cylinders should be kept at least 10 feet away from flammable items in the home. Moreover, these should not be kept in off-site storage units. These units lack proper ventilation for flammable materials or chemicals.

Cost of propane tanks

The average cost of installing a propane tank is $800. However, this cost changes according to the location. The refilling cost is a propane tank ranges between $3 and $5/gallon. For a 100-gallon tank, it costs about $500.

Industrial uses of propane gas

Several industries use clean, safe, and high-density propane gas.

  1. Manufacturing

Since propane gas is a reliable and clean source of energy, several manufacturing structures use it to energize vehicles and generators. Refrigerator companies use propane as a refrigerant.

  1. Warehouses

Several warehouses use forklifts powered by propane for material handling operations because this gas is clean-burning and efficient fuel. According to the National Propane Gas Association, approximately 500,000 forklift trucks need propane gas to get powered.

  1. Agricultural drying

Farmers utilize propane gas in flame weeding, crop drying, and irrigation pumps. However, crop drying is the most common utilization. Several crop drying tools use propane gas such as hay dryers, soybean dryers, tobacco dryers, corn dryers, and peanut dryers.

  1. Metal melting

Propane is a widely used LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) in metal melting. Metal burns at 1980°C, so for this purpose propane is used. It is used in tilting and stationery crucible furnaces for melting monel, brass, bronze, aluminum, and other metals. Moreover, propane gas is utilized in furnaces that are used to melt jewellery like silvers and gold.

  1. Printing press Applications

In large-scale printing processes, the printing ink is supposed to dry instantly once put on paper. To facilitate this procedure, printing firms use extremely hot propane gas for the drying of ink on aluminum foil, cellophane, glassine, and paper. Additionally, this gas is also used in burning off printing rolls.

